Hello readers,
Today a interview with Meg Waite Clayton, author of the book The last train to freedom, De laatste trein naar vrijheid ( Dutch translation). I had the honor to interview Meg. Read on please…
The interview took place at Ambassade Hotel, this five star hotel is one of the most expensive hotels of Amsterdam. A great location for an interview. Thanks to Harper Collins I had the honor to interview this great author. I had a video interview with her. Sorry not everything could got filmed because I ran out of memory.
Meg Waite Clayton (1959), is an American author. Her book The Last Train to London (Dutch version De Laatste trein naar vrijheid) was released this month at Harper Collins. The book tells us about Truus Wijsmuller, a Dutch woman who risks her life smuggling Jewish children out of Nazi Germany to the nations that will take them. It is a mission that becomes even more dangerous after the Anschluss—Hitler’s annexation of Austria—as, across Europe, countries close their borders to the growing number of refugees desperate to escape. We read the book. Soon a review online. She shares everything with us including her beauty tips:
“If you’re not the prettiest, you just pretend you are!”
“So much of beauty comes from confidence.”
Have a look at the video’s:
Part 2:
Meg posing with her book:
After the interview I got a signed copy of the book. Here message to me was this:
Last but not least we also got one signed copy for you guys, for the giveaway. To enter the giveaway (untill 30th of January) please click here. A little sneak peak for the lucky winner:
I loved this interview very much. I liked Meg very much. Thank you for this great interview. It was so nice to meet you! Soon a review about her book online.
I want to thank Harper Collins for this great opportunity!
Wauw, wat bijzonder om zo’n auteur te interviewen zeg! En ook nog op zo’n mooie plek. Dat lijkt me een onvergetelijke ervaring.
die boeken zien er leuk uit en zeker een gaaf interview. altijd leuk zon gesigneerd exemplaar he!
Oh, dat is toevallig, dat boek heb ik net afgelopen maandag bij de bieb opgehaald! Leuk om nu wat meer te weten van de schrijfster.
Great interview I am going to buy this book.
alhoewel het 75 jaar geleden is, nog steeds zo actueel.
Wow nice interview.
Onzettend leuk gedaan zeg, dit interview!
Great interview!!