L’Absolu Mademoiselle Shine lipsticks review

Lancome my favorite brand has launched more great lipsticks to their collection. The name is L’Absolu Mademoiselle Shine. Today we are going to review two colors of this collection. Read along….

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We went to a great event, were we got introduced to this lipstick collection. Read more about the event here. So I was aloud to choose a few colors. I like pink and red lipsticks so I chose number 157 (red) and 317 (pinkish tone).




Color no. 317


Color no. 157



Firstly the packaging is very great again. Lancome has a great diversity and variety for their packages. I love this packaging. It´s like you are treated with golden plated lipsticks. Seriously heart melting packaging.

317 Kiss Me Shine lipstick:

Kiss Me Shine lipstick number 317, is a pink lipstick. The people who follow me a little longer know that I am a great fan of pink shades. I mostly wear pink lipsticks.  This lipstick seriously stole my heart. The pigmentation is very good. I love it when lipsticks give a shine. So this one gives me a great shine. It has also a long lasting effect. I loved this color very much. I like this lipstick. You can wear it daily. It could go for a nude shiny look. Great for a office job or on university.  I really love this color. It´s one of my favorite lipsticks all time.

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Number 157 Mademoiselle Stands Out:

Mademoiselle Stands Out number 157,  is a red lipstick. This tone is a little heavy and is really pigmented, so you only need a little bit for your lips and the color is smashing. If you add more it gets more pigmented. Wow one of the best red lipsticks I have ever seen. I wore this on different weddings. Many girls on the wedding loved the lipsticks and gave me compliments and were curious which brand it was. The best thing about a red lipstick is that it gives the face a clean look, especially when you have acne and scars on the face, It really hides it. So ladies start to wear red please.

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Colors & Model:

The collection has 17 colors in total. Ciara Ferragiani is the face of this collection!


I love the lipsticks very much. Definitely recommendable to everyone. I am sure you all will love these lipsticks very much.

Buy this at ICI Paris, Douglas. 


#collab read disclaimer



32 gedachten over “L’Absolu Mademoiselle Shine lipsticks review

  1. Beide kleuren vind ik prachtig. Ik durfde nooit zo van die opvallende kleuren te dragen, maar doe het tegenwoordig ook en het staat zo mooi! Nummer 317 is mijn favoriet!

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