Review: A World Without States ­+ international giveaway 4x (closed)

I have something very interesting for you all today: an international giveaway+ book review of  A World Without States. Read on please…..


About the book:

“However, in the end it all comes all down to one thing: the desire for power. The question arises: should world politics still merely revolve around this? It might have been logical in the time of Pharaohs, but today? Back then, ages before Christ, there were only a few states. But how many are there today? Since the Second World War colonies have freed themselves from oppression. The United Nation has 193 members. Therefore there are 193 states that have nuclear weapons at their disposal. I believe there are 193 states to many. If we ever want to end this desire for power we can do nothing but eliminating the system of states. It needs to be replaced by a global governance that puts an end to all militarism. Militarism does not belong to this day and age. Is has become an anachronism. Merely a new world order states can ensure civilization,” a very powerfull thought of Dago Steenis from the book A World Without States.

Steenis has an accessible writing style. I loved his  book very much. I thought that books about history were boring but Steenis shows us with his book that history is anything but boring.  The book is very good.  He teaches the readers history in a very cool way. This is a very philosophic book. In 133 pages you get to know his very intelligent vision about the world.

This book  has seven chapters. The first chapter is dedicated to ‘The age in which we live.’ Steenis tells about the current polital system, the growth of the humanitarism, violence is never the answer, empathy: us and the other and the existence: from nature to culture. The second chapter is dedicated the The emergence of the state. The third chapter is dedicated to The final crisis of the transitium. The last four chapters tells us about The United States enforces its standards on the World, Terror and Anti-terror, Counter-moment: growth of humanity and the Evolution and progress.

This is one of my favourite books about the history of mankind. This books shows us history in a different way ( positive). In a very interesting way.  Steenis tells us about the First World War, gladiators, slavery, states, nationalism, sovereignty, globalization, inhumanity, Second World War etc. It’s a very addictive book, once you start to read it you cannot stop reading.  I would definitely recommend this book to everyone. This is definitely one of the best books I have ever read.

Dago Steenis (1925) wrote a remarkably positive book something that is actually more than a book, it is a thought that can be passed on. Not like a pamphlet, but based on his speech. According to Steenis history cannot be a linear concept, not a static process, without progress. On the contrary. History precisely demonstrates that we have a reason to be optimistic. The developments of mankind are evolutionary, and an increasing form of human growth nd potency. Since the emergence of culture man gradually replaced natural evolution by cultural evolution.

Order this book at Uitgeverij Aspekt. Also available in Dutch and many more languages.


The giveaway:

What do you have to do to win this book?

-Follow our instagrampage or like or facebookpage.

-comment below that you are entering this giveaway ( please let us know where you follow us or like us)


-Share the giveaway on instagram, facebook, twitter etc.


Terms & conditions:

– there are 4 books available for the giveaway this means 1 book per person.

-We will mail the winners*( make sure your e-mail address is right on the form).

*There is no possibility to discuss about the giveaway we will raffle the names of the contestants in an raffle machine. 

-This giveaway is valid untill 1 October 2016.


We would love to thank the Publisher: Uitgeverij Aspekt!

Good luck all!!! 



Pssst you can also enter the Dutch giveaway here 




0 gedachten over “Review: A World Without States ­+ international giveaway 4x (closed)

  1. Nice international giveaway. I am from Germany. Nice blog. I would love to have this book.I am following your page on instagram.

  2. Thank you for your book review. I am very curious about this book. Please include me in the raffle. I gave you a like on facebook.

  3. Dit klinkt interessant! Ik lees eigenlijk altijd in het Engels en het onderwerp spreekt mij aan, dus ik doe mee 🙂 Ik volg je nu op Instagram en heb je Facebookpagina geliked.

  4. Ik lees liever in het Engels. Dolgraag zou ik dit boek in mijn nieuwe boekenkast willen plaatsen. Hij is nog leeg. Ik denk dat dit een leuk boek is.

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