Review: kawaii masks

From we received a package of Kawaii masks. We will review these masks today. Read on please…


Well here in Holland we have the second wave of corona, almost the third wave. Here we have a change of law before we had to wear a mask to enter some shops, now you have to  wear it in almost every shop. In public transport it was already obligatory. They will also change the law soon to wear it everywhere even on the streets. Well I have a problem with normal masks masks, they are so blueish, at least the most. Well I am glad we received a cute kawaii mask package.  It so handy a very great pinkish mask.

The masks are so colorful love them so much.



The packages of the masks had cute little transparant package with  kawaii figures.


The masks are pink. They have several cute little kawaii figures on it. From a moon with clouds, until stars, rainbows. Many cute littke kawaii figures have them.The masks have a great quality.

The masks are very sturdy, they are wind resistant. I love masks who have these great quilities. The mouth mask is beautifully designed. He is comfortable. When you put it on you will have no problems with breathing. I never expected myself to ever wear a face mask. Even though we are in a pandemic. In the end, I thought it was safer to do it. I have the boring black masks. It makes your life a little dull, so I decided to go for a change a kawaii mask makes your life happy. They are pink and give some color in your life.


Glasses vs mask issues:

I could breathe freely through the mask. Everything was perfect. The elastics stretched easily, so I could slide it easily over my ears. Very handy for spectacle wearers. I have been wearing glasses since my childhood and everything you put around them causes irritation. Some face masks that I had were very annoying around my ears and I got steam on my glasses while breathing. Fortunately, I didn’t have it with this one. No steam around my glasses, nice quality mouth caps. Super nice material too. I did feel like Michael Jackson with the masks but I felt super safe. The mouth caps were super good. We are absolutely satisfied. I am certainly of the opinion that these are the best and highest quality mouth masks that I have used so far. Definitely recommendable for  everyone.


Very very cute masks are these. Here we love Japan very much. Everything from Japan is very great from sushi to kawaii. We are so glad we got these cute kawaii masks. Definitly so cute you can’t resist them. The best masks ever!!!

Buy the masks at Blippo.

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